Fuse supports querying your data from Vue, as long as your querying library supports typed-document nodes then your output and variables will be typed. Some of these clients include @urql/vue (opens in a new tab) and vue/apollo (opens in a new tab).
Constructing a typed-document-node for a query:
import { graphql } from '../fuse'
import { Avatar, AvatarFragment } from './components/Avatar'
const UserQuery = graphql(`
query User ($id: ID!) {
user(id: $id) {
`, [AvatarFragment])
and for a fragment:
import { graphql, readFragment, FragmentOf } from '../../fuse'
export const AvatarFragment = graphql(`
fragment Avatar_UserFields on User {
// Derive the input-type: FragmentOf<typeof AvatarFragment>
// Apply fragment-masking: readFragment(AvatarFragment, user);